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Types of practices

Legal aid on the field of consumer’s rights protection

Legal assistance in the field of consumer rights protection: We consider consumer rights protection as one of the most crucial branches of law. It ensures continuous improvement in the quality and safety of goods and services, including the provision of accurate information about them.

Consumer protection involves measures implemented by the state, social movements, and other interested parties to regulate the relations between consumers (individuals purchasing products or services for personal, family, household, or non-entrepreneurial needs) and business entities such as manufacturers, service providers, and sellers.

These measures encompass the establishment of specific consumer rights, forms of rights violations, mechanisms for their protection, and liability for infringements. Therefore, obtaining qualified legal assistance in consumer protection is not only important for consumers whose rights have been violated but also for producers of goods and services.

Violations of consumer rights can lead to significant losses for producers, often resulting from flawed processes or inadequate protection strategies when addressing consumer-related issues. Virtus Leo has extensive experience in both consumer protection and the protection of goods and services producers, including expertise in legal risk management.