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Types of practices

Legal aid on energy, mining and environmental sectors

Legal assistance in the energy, mining, and environmental protection sectors - The worsening environmental situation worldwide, manifested in global warming and the deterioration of water and air quality, has prompted governments, including Uzbekistan, to develop legal regulations aimed at minimizing the human impact on the environment and improving its state.

Consequently, new laws are being adopted, and existing regulations are being modernized, with increasing requirements for the environmental friendliness of enterprises. Our team closely monitors changes in legislation in this area of legal regulation and can provide qualified legal assistance to enterprises and organizations engaged in the energy, mining, and environmental protection industries. We are adept at preparing documents for obtaining permits to search for minerals and licenses for mining and development.

Additionally, we provide guidance on industry-specific legislation, advocate for clients' interests in appeals to government bodies, and offer daily legal advice. We have experience working with energy companies involved in the production of both alternative and traditional energy sources, as well as enterprises in the extractive industries.